Contact Us
Please use the following form to request information about a property from the Planning and Development Department, including Zoning By-law Information, Severance Potential, Short Term Accommodations, etc.
Please note: Staff will review and reply to your enquiry in an expeditious manner. All development enquires are assessed in the order of being received with all the applicable information. Staff may request additional information to assist with your enquiry. Accurately completing this enquiry form will greatly assist the Planning and Development Department in getting back to you in a timely manner.
Please provide either the property roll number or municipal address. We do not access Geowarehouse property information.
Please confirm if the subject property is located within the Lower Trent Conservation (LTC) regulated area using the Lower Trent Conservation Screening Area Map Viewer. If the subject property is within the regulated area, please complete the LTC Property Inquiry Form.
Please note: The more thorough information included in your enquiry will help formulate a more detailed response from the Planning and Development Department.